Daemion offers a specialized, one-on-one, 11-session psycho-educational program that provides a structured format in which the client and therapist-educator explore together his/her personal experience with anger and how it manifests emotionally, cognitively and behaviorally.
Clients are evaluated at the first and last session using a validated, evidence-based anger management instrument that measures the experience, expression, and control of anger.
Throughout the program, the therapist works with the client both in-session and through between-session assignments, to better identify triggers, to recognize and replace distorted thinking patterns that contribute to anger and related emotions, and to explore and practice positive and productive alternative behaviors to replace current reactive behaviors.
A two-session evaluation program is also available. Clients first meet with the therapist-educator for an intake and evaluation session. At the second session, clients receive feedback on the results of the evaluation and, based on the recommendation of the therapist-educator, determine best next steps that meet the individual’s goals.
This program meet the requirements of many court-, school-, law-enforcement-, and employer-initiated requests for professional, independent evaluations.